Saturday, May 9, 2015

Working on my series today and maybe some tomorrow, then back to reading and reviewing. I think reviewing two books a week is okay for now. The waiting list is getting smaller and smaller.. :)

Friday, May 8, 2015

Horsemen Series

Finally! Getting somewhere in this book. Chapter 8 is complete, granted I feel like I have another twenty or so chapters depending on how deep I go. I'm excited because I wrote the last scene of Book 1, but it may change depending on how well Anabel and Misty do against the horsemen. Will there be love and death in this series? Yes, Yes, Yes!

Thursday, May 7, 2015

Welcome to Roxi's Purgatory, here you will read all about Roxi. She loves a good story, good characters. She loves to read, and review. She can be a bit of a meanie when she doesn't particularly like a book she's reading, but she's honest.

Alright, enough of me; talking in third person hello and welcome!

If you're looking for a review please refer to the review's section of our site. If you're curious on what I'm up to; please explore the rest of the page. Enjoy and please follow, as I will follow back

